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Are The Jews A Race?

Pengarang: Karl Kautsky
ISBN: 123456123457898765
Tahun Terbit: 1926
Rak: A01 [Sosial]
Penerbit: Borgotten Books
Jumlah Buku: 2
Sinopsis: Race Theories “On the Jew’s faith I do not look, his race is what I cannot brook” [1], is the motto of modern anti-Semitism, which – contrary to the naive anti-Semitism of earlier periods – is proud of its scientific spirit and feels itself free from religious prejudices. Just as religion was once obliged, and is still obliged, to cloak or justify all possible varieties of secular partisan interests, so natural science must now aid in representing aspirations of interests with strictly temporal and spatial limitations as natural and eternal necessities.
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Are The Jews A Race?