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Ethics And The Materialist Conception Of History

Pengarang: Karl Kautsky
ISBN: 1234456788998877665
Tahun Terbit: 1906
Rak: A01 [Sosial]
Penerbit: Borgotten Books
Jumlah Buku: 2
Sinopsis: Preface Like so many other Marxist publications the present one owes its origin to a special occasion, it arose out of a controversy. The polemic in which I was involved last Autumn with the editors of Vorwärts brought me to touch on the question of their “ethical tendencies”. What I said, however, on this point was so often misunderstood by one side, and on the other brought me so many requests to give a more thorough and systematic exposition of my ideas on Ethics, that I felt constrained to attempt at least to give a short sketch of the development of Ethics on the basis of the materialist conception of history. I take as my starting point, consequently, that materialist philosophy which was founded on one side by Marx and Engels, on the other, though in the same spirit, by Joseph Dietzgen. For the results at which I have arrived I alone am responsible.
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Ethics And The Materialist Conception Of History