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Patriotism, Militarism And Social-Democracy

Pengarang: Eduard Bernstein
ISBN: 51672871625897653
Tahun Terbit: 1907
Rak: A01 [Sosial]
Penerbit: Rows Collection
Jumlah Buku: 1
Sinopsis: The way the Volksstaat defended Motteler against misinterpretation of his speech was, in fact, equivalent to disapproval of the above words. To-day, on the contrary, the Social-Democracy is, and that unanimously, the most decided Imperial [4] party that Germany knows. No other party is so keen to make over more and more legislative authority to the Empire, and to widen its competence, as the Social-Democracy. Compared with it, even that once most energetic representative of the Imperial idea, the NationalLiberal party, is particularistic. And if the Social-Democracy, as opposition party, now as ever refuses to vote for the complete budget, still it goes much further in the way of voting certain portions of it than in those days.
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Patriotism, Militarism And Social-Democracy