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Pengarang | : Paul Lafargue |
ISBN | : 87623456123458967 |
Tahun Terbit | : 1890 |
Kategori | : |
Rak | : A01 [Sosial] |
Penerbit | : Rows Collection |
Jumlah Buku | : 1 |
Sinopsis | : POLITICAL economists have laid it down as an axiom that Capital, the form of property at present predominant, is eternal; they have tasked their brains to show that capital is coeval with the world, and that as it has had no beginning, so it can have no end. [1]In proof of which astounding assertion all the manuals of political economy repeat with much complacency the story of the savage who, having in his possession a couple of bows, lends one of them to a brother savage, for a share in the produce of his chase. |