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Towards A Critique Of Hegel’s Philosophy

Pengarang: Ludwig Feuerbach
ISBN: 12345678912345678
Tahun Terbit: 1839
Rak: A01 [Sosial]
Penerbit: Rows Collection
Jumlah Buku: 3
Sinopsis: German speculative philosophy stands in direct contrast to the ancient Solomonic wisdom: Whereas the latter believes that there is nothing new under the sun, the former sees nothing that is not new under the sun; whereas oriental man loses sight of differences in his preoccupation with unity, occidental man forgets unity in his preoccupation with differences; whereas oriental man carries his indifference to the eternally identical to the point of an imbecilic apathy, occidental man heightens his sensibility for the manifold to the feverish heat of the imaginatio luxurians.
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Towards A Critique Of Hegel’s Philosophy