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Pengarang | : Frederick Engels |
ISBN | : 12345678912345678 |
Tahun Terbit | : 1894 |
Kategori | : |
Rak | : A01 [Sosial] |
Penerbit | : Rows Collection |
Jumlah Buku | : 3 |
Sinopsis | : Preface The bourgeois and reactionary parties greatly wonder why everywhere among Socialists the peasant question has now suddenly been placed upon the order of the day. What they should be wondering at, by rights, is that this has not been done long ago. From Ireland to Sicily, from Andalusia to Russia, and Bulgaria, the peasant is a very essential factor of the population, production and political power. Only two regions of Western Europe form an exception. In Great Britain proper, big, landed estates and largescale agriculture have totally displaced the self-supporting peasant; in Prussia east of the Elbe, the same process has been going on for centuries; here, too, the peasant is being increasingly "turned out", or at least economically and politically forced into the background |