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Pengarang | : George Berkeley |
ISBN | : 123445678899887766554 |
Tahun Terbit | : 1709 |
Kategori | : |
Rak | : A01 [Sosial] |
Penerbit | : Rows Collection |
Jumlah Buku | : 3 |
Sinopsis | : My Design is to shew the Manner, wherein we perceive by Sight the Distance, Magnitude, and Situation of Objects. Also to consider the Difference there is betwixt the Ideas of Sight and Touch, and whether there be any Idea common to both Senses. II. It is, I think, agreed by all, that Distance, of it self and immediately, cannot be seen. For Distance being a Line directed end-wise to the Eye, it projects only one Point in the Fund of the Eye, which Point remains invariably the same, whether the Distance be longer or shorter. |