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Pengarang | : Karl Marx |
ISBN | : 12345678912345678 |
Tahun Terbit | : 1844 |
Kategori | : |
Rak | : A01 [Sosial] |
Penerbit | : Rows Collection |
Jumlah Buku | : 3 |
Sinopsis | : The German Jews desire emancipation. What kind of emancipation do they desire? Civic, political emancipation. Bruno Bauer replies to them: No one in Germany is politically emancipated. We ourselves are not free. How are we to free you? You Jews are egoists if you demand a special emancipation for yourselves as Jews. As Germans, you ought to work for the political emancipation of Germany, and as human beings, for the emancipation of mankind, and you should feel the particular kind of your oppression and your shame not as an exception to the rule, but on the contrary as a confirmation of the rule. |