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Discourse On The Arts And Sciences

Pengarang: Jean-Jacques Rousseau
ISBN: 333333333333333333
Tahun Terbit: 2014
Rak: A01 [Sosial]
Penerbit: Rows Collection
Jumlah Buku: 2
Sinopsis: Hat is celebrity? Here is the unfortunate work to which I owe my own. It is certain that this piece, which won me a prize and made my name, is mediocre at best, and I venture to add that it is one of the least in this whole collection. What an abyss of miseries the author would have avoided, if this first book had been received only according to its merits! But an initially unjustified favour gradually brought me severe treatment which is even more undeserved.* ❦ P
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Discourse On The Arts And Sciences